Wenger Ministries
About us

Both Ray and Rhoda grew up in Christian homes. They were blessed with parents who taught them to work, taught them the importance of obeying their parents, and above all taught them the importance of obeying the Word of God. Rhoda expressed her love for children by teaching in Christian elementary schools. Ray and Rhoda were married in 1972.
Ray's academic training focused on mathematics, music, science, and theology. It includes a Master's Degree in mathematics from the University of Virginia and a Th.M. from Grace Theological Seminary. He has taught in Christian secondary schools, and has done computer programming at Goddard Space Flight Center.
In the mid-80's a pastor encouraged Ray to begin giving seminars on how to have a godly family. In 1987 Ray and Rhoda began an itinerant ministry, and were accompanied by their children. When people asked Ray for written material, he wrote a book, Divine Design for the Family.
Rhoda's lifestyle commitment to the Biblical role of women was the basis for her ministry of teaching other women how to truly love their husbands and their children, and how to cope with the challenges of home schooling. Eventually, traveling and teaching became a full time ministry, and they spent between four to six months of each year on the road, giving seminars in churches on a wide variety of topics.
Their nine children (Rachelle, Renee, Roland, Rosalyn, Rolanda, Rhonda, Raphael, Ryan, Rosetta) accompanied them on extensive travel in North America. The children were a vital part of the itinerant ministry as they illustrated the principles of child training, and as they ministered to audiences in family singing and in Bible memory recitation. Some of the ministry has been beyond North America (Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Central America), where the teaching was translated into local languages.
Gradually the children began pursuing ministry of their own. All of the children have served abroad in short-term missions and as adults desire to know Christ and make Him known. They have been willing to serve God in dangerous places, sometimes for a period of many years. A pastor once asked Rhoda how she could cope as a mother with her children being in such danger. She quoted a verse from the Psalms that has been a comfort to Ray and Rhoda. “Our God is the God of salvation; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death” (NKJV).
After all the children left home, Ray and Rhoda continued their itinerant ministry alone. They took two trips to the Far East, and continued road trips in Canada and the USA. Eventually the global pandemic halted their ability to continue cross-country itinerant ministry and additionally, no longer being as energetic as they used to be, spending months on the road driving long distances became unfeasible.
Thus, their lives have entered a new stage of ministry, and instead of being frustrated, they thank God for this new opportunity. They have been writing books to provide in written form insights from God’s Word that they have taught verbally over the years.
In 2020 they produced an expanded edition of their earlier book regarding godly family life, Divine Design for the Family: Seeking God’s Wisdom Instead of Human Speculation. This new edition is co-authored by Rhoda, and also includes input from their adult children.
About a year later they started on another book which was printed in 2022, Jesus Christ Delivers from Dazzling Deception: Jesus’ words are the key for understanding prophecy. This book reminds believers to prepare for imminent Rapture, a great contrast to the world blindly rushing to receive the Antichrist. The words of Jesus teach us how to live during the disturbing events that are engulfing planet earth. As believers we must live now with the attitudes and actions that will characterize us when we are living with Jesus in Heaven.
Even so come Lord Jesus.